Escambia County’s Mobile Command Center Supporting Hurricane Ian Recovery Efforts :

2022-10-08 05:14:26 By : Ms. Amy Zeng

Escambia County’s Emergency Mobile Command Center, nicknamed “THOR,” is supporting Hurricane Ian recovery efforts at an emergency operations center in Tallahassee.

The THOR command post trailer expands to offer 1,000 square feet of interior working space. It is equipped with a 44-kilowatt generator with 72 hours of fuel onboard, and there are dual 5-ton air conditioning units.

It allows for wireless communications, including cellular, satellite, VOIP phones and radio equipment. It has a 52-foot mast with antennas, high resolution cameras, a video distribution system for off-air television, satellite television and computer system. There is a four-position communication room and office space with printers, scanners, office supplies, mini-fridge, microwave and a coffee maker.

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Written by William Reynolds · Filed Under News 

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